Dar Al Eman Intercontinental Hotel

Building No. 10 - Medina , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Embark on a special trip within Medina thanks to the superior IHG Clean Promise standards and increase the enjoyment of your stay with free Wi-Fi in all rooms. The prime location in the heart of the central area puts you close to important tourist attractions. Don't end your trip before visiting the most famous Mosque of the Prophet. This property received a 5 not for nothing, as it contains a restaurant, which makes your stay even more special.

Available Rooms


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Property Type


General facilities

Wake-up call
Car Rental
Internet – Wi-Fi

Hotel services

Baggage deposit
Laundry services


Check In
4:00 pm
Check Out
12:00 pm

Property Type


General facilities

Wake-up call
Car Rental
Internet – Wi-Fi

Hotel services

Baggage deposit
Laundry services